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Our Dog Rules

Bringing your dog on holiday is something we always used to do, and we know what a pleasure it is to do so. 


You are welcome to stay with your dogs, but please enquire first. We do have some basic rules, which we adhered to when we stayed at holiday homes, and hope that you find them fair and acceptable.

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Dogs are not allowed in the bedrooms, We do have other guests who do not have pets and we ask this out of respect to them. No-one wants to find dog hair in the bedrooms.
We put up stairgates to the bedrooms so you can always leave those doors open and your pet can see and hear you.

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You can of course have cuddles with your dog on the sofa and chairs, using the dog throws provided.

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No dogs are to be left alone in the annexe or garden at any time. The garden is enclosed and fenced but not suitable to real ‘escape artists’.

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Please clear up and pick up any dog mess immediately, as it is not nice to have anything trodden indoors. There is a bin at the side of the annexe for putting poo bags in.

Please do not let your pet bark for long periods, We do have neighbours and it is only right to respect their peace and quiet.

Dogs should be up to date with vaccinations and worm/flea treatment.


If you have anything ‘hairy’ that may require washing, such as a dog bed, dog towels etc., please let us know as we have a separate washing machine outside the annexe for that specific use. Please do not use the washing machine inside the annexe for anything other than clothes etc.

Other Pets
We regret that no other pets of any kind are allowed in the property, other than the dogs that have been mentioned and accepted on the original enquiry from guests.


© 2022 by Chy ryb Connerton

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